It's CO2, not just RAAC, that schools should be worried about

It's CO2, not just RAAC, that schools should be worried about

Many schools across the country are having to close due to health and safety reasons. While 'crumbling concrete' or RAAC is a valid concern, there's another silent threat lurking in our schools.

Did you know: Classroom CO2 levels can be up to 3 times higher than what health and safety guidelines recommend? 😷

This invisible menace should be considered an equally serious health and safety concern.

🌬️ The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe indoor environment. Nowhere is this more crucial than in our classrooms. It's not just about the temperature or humidity; CO2 levels play a pivotal role in the well-being and performance of our students.

⚠️ The CO2 Conundrum

CO2, a natural component of the air we breathe out, can become problematic when its concentration in enclosed spaces rises to unhealthy levels.

Research indicates that CO2 concentration levels exceeding 800 parts per million (ppm) can significantly reduce concentration levels. The government guidance advises keeping these levels below 1500 ppm, as concentrations beyond that point could be detrimental to health.

Here's where it gets concerning: it's not uncommon to record CO2 exceeding 1500 ppm in classrooms, especially during the winter months when ventilation is limited due to closed windows.

Shouldn't we therefore be as concerned about this silent killer as the RAAC n our schools?

Check out the examples of how SmartViz has been helping improve air quality in schools.

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